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Learning Management

Learning Management

Elevate your LMS to a whole new level and deliver true competency-based learning programs and assessments.

Competency Assessments and Exams

Shift iQ enables your current LMS to deliver effective and comprehensive competency-based assessment experiences that accurately measure learners' competencies and support their educational journey.

Competency Assessments and Exams

What we do:

We empower LMS administrators with the tools to support the effective development, and management of competency assessments and exams and help their clients drive skills development, assess training outcomes, and make data-informed decisions to support learning within their organization.

Why it matters:

Integrating Shift iQ's tools into legacy LMS for delivering competency-based assessments and exams expands assessment capabilities, allows for customized approaches, enhances user experience, enables seamless data integration, leverages expertise and innovation, and ensures scalability and future-readiness.

How you succeed:

Shift iQ is a robust and user-friendly system designed that integrates easily with 3rd party learning management systems that enables the development and delivery of skills and competency-based assessments and exams and report on verifiable learning outcomes.

  • Design and deliver high volume and complex assessments.
  • Manage question banks and question sets.
  • Connect questions to standards and competency frameworks.
  • Engage learners and promote skills and competency-based assessments.
  • Report outcomes with advanced data analytics and reporting tools.

Course and Content Authoring

What we do:

Competency-based courses and programs require a different approach to curriculum development and instructional design and we help our customers understand these approaches and our tools to assist in the design of competency-based curricula, the development of learning objectives, and the creation of learning resources that align with competency frameworks.

Why it matters:

Competency-based courses and programs offer a learner-centric, relevant, flexible, and measurable approach to education. By emphasizing specific competencies, CBE ensures that learners are equipped with the skills needed for success in their chosen fields. As the future of learning, CBE aligns with the demands of the modern workforce, promotes continuous development, and offers efficient, accessible, and personalized learning experiences.

How you succeed:

Built on CBE best practices, our platform provides the tools and frameworks that support competency-based learning and assessment and fill the gaps of legacy LMS's.

  • Author learning resources in H5P.
  • Publish courses to learning portals and dashboards.
  • Engage learners with personalized and adaptive learning paths.
  • Track progress and outcomes in digital gradebooks and logbooks.
  • Generate certificates and badges based on successful completion of learning and assessment outcomes.
Course and Content Authoring

By leveraging Shift iQ's technology to adapt learning opportunities to individual competencies, the future of learning can be more student-centered, effective, and responsive to learners' needs.

Self-Directed and Adaptive Learning

Self-Directed Adaptive Learning

What we do:

We help customers struggling with legacy learning management systems leverage our technology to deliver self-directed and adaptive learning programs.

Why it matters:

Learning opportunities that are displayed to learners based on formative assessment results offers personalized learning experiences, efficient learning pathways, continuous progress monitoring, targeted remediation and extension, enhanced engagement and motivation, and data-driven decision-making.

How you succeed:

We were the first to deliver self-directed, personalized, adaptive learning by releasing content based on assessment outcomes.

  • Unlock learning resources based on assessment outcomes.
  • Deliver personalized, adaptive learning paths.
  • Track pacing and progress.
  • Display and organize achievements in dashboards and e-Portfolios.

Course Catalogs and Registrations

What we do:

We take a unified approach to publishing and scheduling courses that streamlines administrative processes for registration and intake and provides a better experience for both students and administrators.

Why it matters:

Having a single system that handles both course catalog items and student registration ensures seamless integration, real-time updates, enhanced user experience, efficient resource allocation, accurate reporting, and simplified maintenance.

How you succeed:

We help our customers publish courses and tie catalog items to calendar and registration pages that are displayed in student-facing portals.

  • Manage and publish multiple courses in program catalogs.
  • Connect courses to online calendars.
  • Connect online calendars to registration pages.
  • Connect registration pages to payment gateways.
  • Track and report on all aspects of registration and intake.
Course Catalogs and Registrations for an LMS
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